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We love to hear from you, if you have any question, please be as detailed as you can, so we can reply to you with the most useful answer to your question.

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    Usted consiente, a través de la marcación de la presente casilla, al tratamiento de sus datos con las finalidades descritas en la Política de Privacidad.

    Usted declara, a través de la marcación de la presente casilla, bajo su propia responsabilidad, tener cumplidos los catorce años de edad, respondiendo de manera exclusiva y personal de la veracidad de dicha declaración y asumiendo, por ende, las posibles responsabilidades legales al respecto.

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    [rs_about_us_block heading=”About Us” image=”25004″ signature=”1064″ link=”url:%23|||”]Innovation, creation and a team that’s in constant expansion, have placed the media brand in position as one of the most influential the Spanish electronic music scene. Thanks to sustainable development and the endorsement of its thousands of followers, the brand has managed to evolve into a leader within the sector.[/rs_about_us_block]