The April 5th new moon arrives in the energetic sign of Aries, the first sign of the zodiac and the sign that marks the astrological new year.  As we shed the winter layers and emerge from our cocoons, the days get longer and a spring time rebirth begins. The creative fire of this sign and the powerful new moon it brings is a magical time for transformation; to awaken your passion, joy and to step into your true potential and purpose.

Overview of cosmic intentions:

When I started Cosmic Pineapple the main intention was to plant seeds of cosmic awareness and to help awaken the inner seed within.  As the website has evolved into events and now retreats, which allow me to work closer and deeper with people, I get to experience changes on a beautiful level, both with the people I work with and inside myself. This retreat, which begins a summer of events in Ibiza and more, will focus on awakening our inner seeds of potential and our inner fires. We will work with yoga, meditation, mantra, creativity, cacao medicine, heart connection, nature connection, element connection, astrology, sound journeys, lovingly prepared organic vegan food and drink, and allow the magic to unfold on each of our journeys within this beautiful safe space.

The retreat will be held in a stunning beach house location  in the north of the island. We are nestled into the forest in the hills opposite the beach in stunning nature with a fabulous yoga deck suspended in the trees and a gorgeous indoor yoga shala, a pool. There is lots of spaces to BE, we are five minutes door to shore to the gorgeous Cala Xuclar and we have incredible sunsets every evening.